Synthetic images can be parameterized by more than time or viewpoint. We generalize image-based rendering by exploiting texture-mapping graphics hardware to decompress ray-traced ...
Ziyad S. Hakura, Jerome Edward Lengyel, John M. Sn...
Rendering performance of consumer graphics hardware benefits from pre-processing geometric data into a form targeted to the underlying API and hardware. The various elements of ge...
Scientific data sets continue to increase in both size and complexity. In the past, dedicated graphics systems at supercomputing centers were required to visualize large data sets,...
Existing parallel or remote rendering solutions rely on communicating pixels, OpenGL commands, scene-graph changes or application-specific data. We propose an intermediate soluti...
Current graphics hardware can render procedurally shaded objects in real-time. However, due to resource and performance limitations, interactive shaders can not yet approach the c...