The Sensorium family of games provides a platform and environment for multiplayer games in a pervasive environment. Each player is equipped with a mote, which (along with those of...
Despite the fact that there are currently a number of enjoyable digital games in which light plays a key role, we lack a vocabulary with which to discuss simulated illumination in...
Pervasive and location-based games are played in the real world rather than on the screen of a computer or mobile device. This makes them difficult to study. Since players move ar...
In this paper, we describe a pervasive treasure hunting game: “Team exploration” based on the Transhumance ad hoc wifi platform. The testers of this game came up with innovati...
Annie Gentes, Aude Guyot-Mbodji, Isabelle M. Demeu...
This paper examines the idea of combining Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) and MMORPG into a hybrid game named Takkar. We developed three versions of Takkar in an iterative fashion...