Device optimization considering supply voltage Vdd and threshold voltage Vt tuning does not increase chip area but has a great impact on power and performance in the nanometer tec...
Lerong Cheng, Phoebe Wong, Fei Li, Yan Lin, Lei He
ded abstract of this paper appears in PKC 2009, S. Jarecki, G. Tsudik (Eds.), volume 5443 of LNCS, pp. 357-376, Sringer-Verlag, 2009. CCA-Secure Proxy Re-Encryption without Pairing...
Social tagging is an increasingly popular phenomenon with substantial impact on the way we perceive and understand the Web. For the many Web resources that are not self-descriptive...
Linguists and geographers are more and more interested in route direction documents because they contain interesting motion descriptions and language patterns. A large number of s...
Xiao Zhang, Prasenjit Mitra, Sen Xu, Anuj R. Jaisw...
RDF is a data model for representing labeled directed graphs, and it is used as an important building block of semantic web. Due to its flexibility and applicability, RDF has bee...
Hyunsik Choi, Jihoon Son, YongHyun Cho, Min Kyoung...