Decoupling capacitors are widely used to reduce power supply noise. On-chip decoupling capacitors have traditionally been allocated into the white space available on a die or place...
Mikhail Popovich, Michael Sotman, Avinoam Kolodny,...
Generating query-answering plans for data integration systems requires to translate a user query, formulated in terms of a mediated schema, to a query that uses relations that are...
Oliver M. Duschka, Michael R. Genesereth, Alon Y. ...
This papers deals with multiway spatial joins when (i) there is limited time for query processing and the goal is to retrieve the best possible solutions within this limit (ii) the...
A straightforward way to illustrate a 3D model is to use a line drawing. Faces in a 2D line drawing provide important information for reconstructing its 3D geometry. Manifold objec...
This paper describes the dynamic control of a 3 degree of freedom (DOF) finger emulating a human finger for reaching a desired fingertip position in space. The control consists of ...