The core of current-generation high-performance multiprocessor systems is out-of-order execution processors with aggressive branch prediction. Despite their relatively high branch...
Resit Sendag, Ayse Yilmazer, Joshua J. Yi, Augustu...
Title of thesis: Energy-Efficient Cache Coherence for Embedded Multi-Processor Systems through Application-Driven Snoop Filtering Alokika Dash, Master of Science, 2006 Thesis dire...
Functional, instruction-based self-testing of microprocessors has recently emerged as an effective alternative or supplement to other testing approaches, and is progressively adop...
Andreas Apostolakis, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Mihalis ...
Parallel programs that modify shared data in a cachecoherent multiprocessor with a write-invalidate coherence protocol create ownership overhead in the form of ownership acquisiti...
High-performance multiprocessor systems built around out-of-order processors with aggressive branch predictors execute many memory references that turn out to be on a mispredicted...
Resit Sendag, Ayse Yilmazer, Joshua J. Yi, Augustu...