Fault tolerance is now a primary design constraint for all major microprocessors. One step in determining a processor’s compliance to its failure rate target is measuring the Ar...
Soft error reliability has become a first-order design criterion for modern microprocessors. Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) modeling is often used to capture the probab...
Arun A. Nair, Stijn Eyerman, Lieven Eeckhout, Lizy...
—The notion of Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) has been extensively used by designers to evaluate various aspects of design robustness. While AVF is a very accurate way ...
The Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) of a hardware structure is the probability that a fault in the structure will affect the output of a program. AVF captures both microa...
Single-event upsets from particle strikes have become a key challenge in microprocessor design. Techniques to deal with these transient faults exist, but come at a cost. Designers...
Shubhendu S. Mukherjee, Christopher T. Weaver, Joe...