Multiple clock cycles are needed to cross the global interconnects for multi-gigahertz designs in nanometer technologies. For synchronous design, this requires the consideration o...
Jason Cong, Yiping Fan, Guoling Han, Xun Yang, Zhi...
There are two prominent problems with technology scaling: increasing design complexity and more challenges with interconnect design, including routability. High-level synthesis ha...
Jason Cong, Bin Liu 0006, Guojie Luo, Raghu Prabha...
In current design practice synthesis tools play a key role, letting designers to concentrate on the specificationof the system being designed by carrying out repetitive tasks such...
The FRAMES project is developing a system for video database search, content-based retrieval, and virtual video program synthesis. For dynamic synthesis applications, a video progr...
High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is the field of transforming a high-level programming language, such as C, into a register transfer level(RTL) description of the design. In HLS, Binary...