Performance analysis of microprocessors is a critical step in defining the microarchitecture, prior to register-transfer-level (RTL) design. In complex chip multiprocessor systems...
Reinaldo A. Bergamaschi, Indira Nair, Gero Dittman...
We used human movement as the basis for designing a collaborative aesthetic design environment. Our intention was to promote social interaction and creative expression. We employe...
Andrew Webb, Andruid Kerne, Eunyee Koh, Pranesh Jo...
Computer visualization and networking have advanced dramatically over the last few years, partially driven by the exploding video game market. 3D hardware acceleration has reached...
Recognizing speech, gestures, and visual features are important interface capabilities for future embedded mobile systems. Unfortunately, the real-time performance requirements of...
In this paper, we describe the development of our BEST nano-robot soccer team composed of 5 robots, a vision system, and communication modules. Each nano-robot is designed with an...