Chemical information is now seen as critical for most areas of life sciences. But unlike Bioinformatics, where data is Openly available and freely re-usable, most chemical informa...
Peter Murray-Rust, John B. O. Mitchell, Henry S. R...
Background: The inference of homology from statistically significant sequence similarity is a central issue in sequence alignments. So far the statistical distribution function un...
Background: The extraction of biological knowledge from genome-scale data sets requires its analysis in the context of additional biological information. The importance of integra...
David J. Reiss, Iliana Avila-Campillo, Vesteinn Th...
Background: There has been much evidence recently for a link between transcriptional regulation and chromosomal gene order, but the relationship between genomic organization, regu...
Jan H. Vogel, Anja von Heydebreck, Antje Purmann, ...
Background: Predicting the subcellular localization of proteins is important for determining the function of proteins. Previous works focused on predicting protein localization in...