Future space missions, such as Mars Science Laboratory, are built upon computing platforms providing a high degree of autonomy and diverse functionality. The increased sophisticat...
Damian Dechev, Peter Pirkelbauer, Nicolas Rouquett...
— Information Systems are subject to a perpetual evolution, which is particularly pressing in Web Information Systems, due to their distributed and often collaborative nature. Su...
Carlo Curino, Hyun J. Moon, MyungWon Ham, Carlo Za...
Dynamic taint analysis (DTA) is a technique used for tracking information flow by propagating taint propagation across memory locations during program execution. Most implementat...
Hyung Chan Kim, Angelos D. Keromytis, Michael Covi...
Abstract—Developing CPU scheduling algorithms and understanding their impact in practice can be difficult and time consuming due to the need to modify and test operating system ...
Estimation of maximal power consumption is an essential task in VLSI circuit realizations since power value significantly affects the reliability of the circuits. The key issue o...