"The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) can be understood as a numerical approximation to the Fourier transform. However, the DFT has its own exact Fourier theory, which is the ...
"This book was written for my introductory course in digital audio signal processing, which I have given at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) sin...
"There is a very large literature on the theoretical underpinnings of the
wavelet transform. However, theory must be complemented with a significant
amount of practical work...
"The Data Conversion Handbook, edited by Walt Kester (Newnes, 2005), is written for design engineers who routinely use data converters and related circuitry. Comprising Data C...
"A random or stochastic process is a mathematical model for a phenomenon
that evolves in time in an unpredictable manner from the viewpoint of the
observer. The phenomenon m...
I have been designing and building applications, including the databases used by those applications, for several decades now. I have seen similar problems approached by different d...
The Lecture notes covers database architecture, design, administration, and implementation. Evaluation and use of database-management systems for computers, with emphasis on microc...
"This is a tutorial on vector algebra and matrix algebra from the viewpoint of computer graphics. It covers most vector and matrix topics needed to read college-level computer...
Central Connecticut State University, Computer Sci...
"This manual is designed to be used as the companion reference volume to the OpenGL Programming Guide by Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, and Mason Woo (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley P...