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Chemical information is now seen as critical for most areas of life sciences. But unlike Bioinformatics, where data is Openly available and freely re-usable, most chemical informa...
Peter Murray-Rust, John B. O. Mitchell, Henry S. R...
Coin flipping is a cryptographic primitive in which two spatially separated players, who in principle do not trust each other, wish to establish a common random bit. If we limit ...
We have begun to expand the NIST quantum key distribution (QKD) system into a quantum network to support secure cryptography. We are starting with a simple three-node network, one...
Alan Mink, Lijun Ma, Tassos Nakassis, Hai Xu, Oliv...
Abstract— Biological processes, and in particular DNA hybridization, offer the potential to form the basis for the assembly of devices at micro- and nano-scales. Our aim is to im...
—We study a protocol in which many parties use quantum communication to transfer a shared state to a receiver without communicating with each other. This protocol is a multiparty...
The Suspended Gate Field Effect Transistor (SG-FET) appears to have the potential to replace traditional FETs in sleep mode circuits, due to its abrupt switching enabled by electro...
Marius Enachescu, Sorin Cotofana, Arjan J. van Gen...
We present a vision and preliminary results for a combined RF-Biological Systems where the Electro-Magnetic energy of RF signals is transduced into control-signals for biological s...
An investigation on nano-structured electrodes to detect different metabolites is proposed in this paper. Three different metabolites are considered: glucose, lactate, and choleste...
Sandro Carrara, Cristina Boero, Giovanni De Michel...
A new approach for inserting repeaters in 3-D interconnects is proposed. The allocation of repeaters along an interplane interconnect is iteratively determined. The proposed approa...