
13 years 11 months ago
Simulation of ad hoc networks: ns-2 compared to JiST/SWANS
For the evaluation of ad hoc network protocols, researchers traditionally use simulations because they easily allow for a large number of nodes and reproducible environment condit...
Elmar Schoch, Michael Feiri, Frank Kargl, Michael ...
13 years 11 months ago
An 802.16 model for NS2 simulator with an integrated QoS architecture
The IEEE 802.16 technology is emerging as a promising solution for BWA due to its ability to support multimedia services and to operate in multiple physical environments. Also, wi...
Ikbal Chammakhi Msadaa, Fethi Filali, Farouk Kamou...
13 years 11 months ago
A windows based web cache simulator tool
Francisco Javier González-Cañete, Ed...
13 years 11 months ago
Snapshot simulation of internet traffic: fast and accurate for heavy-tailed flows
Simulations involving processes at very different time scales can be so slow to converge that starting in one state and waiting for a representative sample of the state space to b...
R. G. Addie
13 years 11 months ago
Real-time emulation of networked robot systems
In this paper we present a methodology for the evaluation of networked systems communicating using WLAN technology. We show a case study of goal-oriented cooperating robots, for w...
Razvan Beuran, Junya Nakata, Takashi Okada, Yasuo ...
13 years 11 months ago
Increasing wireless revenue with service differentiation
New technologies such as IEEE 802.16 (Wi-MAX) [2] and IEEE 802.11e (Wi-Fi with QoS) [1] enable differentiated services. In this study we explore the potential for increasing the r...
Siamak Ayani, Jean C. Walrand
13 years 11 months ago
DeSiNe: a flow-level QoS simulator of networks
In this paper we present DeSiNe, a modular flow-level network simulator. DeSiNe is aimed at performance analysis and benchmarking of Quality of Service routing algorithms and traf...
Tom Kleiberg, Bingjie Fu, Fernando A. Kuipers, Pie...
13 years 11 months ago
MARTE: a profile for RT/E systems modeling, analysis--and simulation?
As its name promises, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a collection of diagrammatic modeling styles. To the early class/objects and use-case diagrams were almost immed...
Frédéric Mallet, Robert de Simone
13 years 11 months ago
Implementing MAC protocols for cooperative relaying: a compiler-assisted approach
Evaluating the performance of a cooperative relaying protocol requires an implementation for simulators and/or software-defined radios (SDRs) with an appropriate model for error d...
Hermann S. Lichte, Stefan Valentin
13 years 11 months ago
Transforming sources to petri nets: a way to analyze execution of parallel programs
Model checking is a suitable formal technique to analyze parallel programs' execution in an industrial context because automated tools can be designed and operated with very ...
Jean-Baptiste Voron, Fabrice Kordon