Approximate reachability techniques trade o accuracy for the capacity to deal with bigger designs. Cho et al 4 proposed partitioning the set of state bits into mutually disjoint s...
Shankar G. Govindaraju, David L. Dill, Jules P. Be...
ion model or flexible PCB solutions cannot offer a valid solution for the next millinium SoCs . James G. Dougherty, Integrated Systems Silicon LTD, Belfast, Northern Ireland ISS an...
Richard Goering, Pierre Bricaud, James G. Doughert...
We present our practical experience in the modeling and integration of cycle/phase-accurate instruction set architecture (ISA) models of digital signal processors (DSPs) with othe...
Lisa M. Guerra, Joachim Fitzner, Dipankar Talukdar...
Retiming is an optimization technique for synchronous circuits introduced by Leiserson and Saxe in 1983. Although powerful, retiming is not very widely used because it does not ha...
Klaus Eckl, Jean Christophe Madre, Peter Zepter, C...
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams BDDs are a data structure for representation and manipulation of Boolean functions often applied in VLSI CAD. The choice of the variable orderin...