We address the alignment of a group of images with simultaneous
registration. Therefore, we provide further insights
into a recently introduced class of multivariate similarity
Christian Wachinger (TU Munich), Nassir Navab (TU ...
We address the problem of parameter estimation in presence
of both uncertainty and outlier noise. This is a common
occurrence in computer vision: feature localization
is perform...
The variations of pose lead to significant performance
decline in face recognition systems, which is a bottleneck
in face recognition. A key problem is how to measure the
Annan Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Shiguang S...
Estimating the illumination and the reflectance properties
of an object surface from a sparse set of images is an
important but inherently ill-posed problem. The problem
Kenji Hara (Kyushu University), Ko Nishino (Drexel...
We present an approach for recovering the reflectance
of a static scene with known geometry from a collection of
images taken under distant, unknown illumination. In con-
trast ...
Christian Fuchs, Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. ...
This paper estimates illumination colors by using only a
single surface color taken under multiple illumination colors.
Past researchers have found that there is a difficulty in
Rei Kawakami (The University of Tokyo), Katsushi I...
Edge-based color constancy makes use of image derivatives
to estimate the illuminant. However, different edge
types exist in real-world images such as shadow, geometry,
Arjan Gijsenij (University of Amsterdam), Theo Gev...
Current work in object categorization discriminates
among objects that typically possess gross differences
which are readily apparent. However, many applications
require making ...
Andrew Moldenke, Asako Yamamuro, David A. Lytle, E...
We propose a new bilateral filtering algorithm with computational
complexity invariant to filter kernel size, socalled
O(1) or constant time in the literature. By showing
that a...
When imaging in scattering media there is a need to enhance
visibility. Some approaches have used polarized images
in this context with apparent success. These methods
take adva...