Recently, we proposed marginal space learning (MSL) as
a generic approach for automatic detection of 3D anatom-
ical structures in many medical imaging modalities. To
All surfaces can be classified by the conformal equivalence
relation. Conformal invariants, which are shape indices
that can be defined intrinsically on a surface, may
be used t...
Paul M. Thompson, Tony F. Chan, Xianfeng Gu, Yalin...
This paper deals with a new problem in face recognition
research, in which the enrollment and query face samples
are captured under different lighting conditions. In our
case, t...
Jie Chen, Dong Yi, Jimei Yang, Guoying Zhao, Stan ...
This paper investigates ordinal image description for
invariant feature correspondence. Ordinal description is
a meta-technique which considers image measurements in
terms of th...
In this paper we present a novel face classification system
where we represent face images as a spatial arrangement
of image patches, and seek a smooth non-linear functional
The previous work of the authors has shown that physiological
information on the face can be extracted from
thermal infrared imagery and can be used as a biometric.
Although, th...
Pradeep Buddharaju (University of Houston), Ioanni...
Face verification has many potential applications including
filtering and ranking image/video search results on
celebrities. Since these images/videos are taken under uncontrolle...
Xiaogang Wang (MIT), Cha Zhang (Microsoft Research...
Restoring a clear image from a single motion-blurred
image due to camera shake has long been a challenging
problem in digital imaging. Existing blind deblurring techniques
Jian-Feng Cai (National University of Singapore), ...
This paper introduces an approach of creating face makeup upon a face image with another image as the style example. Our approach is analogous to physical makeup, as we modify the ...
Dong Guo (National University of Singapore), Teren...
Accurate denition of similarity measure is a key component
in image registration. Most commonly used intensitybased
similarity measures rely on the assumptions of independence