Computing optimal strategies to commit to in general normal-form or Bayesian games is a topic that has recently been gaining attention, in part due to the application of such algo...
In 1876 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson suggested the intriguing voting rule that today bears his name. Although Dodgson’s rule is one of the most well-studied voting rules, it suffers...
Ioannis Caragiannis, Christos Kaklamanis, Nikos Ka...
The existing literature on optimal auctions focuses on optimizing the expected revenue of the seller, and is appropriate for risk-neutral sellers. In this paper, we identify good ...
We design and analyze approximately revenue-maximizing auctions in general single-parameter settings. Bidders have publicly observable attributes, and we assume that the valuation...
Peerapong Dhangwatnotai, Tim Roughgarden, Qiqi Yan
Motivated by the allocation problem facing publishers in display advertising we formulate the online assignment with forecast problem, a version of the online allocation problem w...
Erik Vee, Sergei Vassilvitskii, Jayavel Shanmugasu...
Product recommendation and decision support systems must generally develop a model of user preferences by querying or otherwise interacting with a user. Recent approaches to elici...
We explore the striking mathematical connections that exist between market scoring rules, cost function based prediction markets, and no-regret learning. We first show that any c...
Recently, some mainstream e-commerce web sites have begun using “pay-per-bid” auctions to sell items, from video games to bars of gold. In these auctions, bidders incur a cost...
John W. Byers, Michael Mitzenmacher, Georgios Zerv...