Agent-based simulations are an increasingly popular means of exploring and understanding complex social systems. In order to be useful, these simulations must capture a range of a...
David Scerri, Alexis Drogoul, Sarah L. Hickmott, L...
We consider (prediction) markets where myopic agents sequentially interact with an automated market maker. We show a broad negative result: by varying the order of participation, ...
Safety culture is broadly recognized as important for Air Traffic Management and various studies have addressed its characterization and assessment. Nevertheless, relations betwee...
The vision of the Smart Grid includes the creation of intelligent electricity supply networks to allow efficient use of energy resources, reduce carbon emissions and are robust to...
Perukrishnen Vytelingum, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Th...
Service coordination in domains involving temporal constraints and duration uncertainty has previously been solved with a greedy algorithm that attempts to satisfy service requests...
We present a series of results providing evidence that the incentive problem with VCG-based mechanisms is not very severe. Our first result uses average-case analysis to show that ...
Although a remarkably high degree of automation has been reached in production and intra-logistics nowadays, human labor is still used for transportation using handcarts and forkl...