Redundant threading architectures duplicate all instructions to detect and possibly recover from transient faults. Several lighter weight Partial Redundant Threading (PRT) archite...
Vimal K. Reddy, Eric Rotenberg, Sailashri Parthasa...
Significant time is spent by companies trying to reproduce and fix bugs. BugNet and FDR are recent architecture proposals that provide architecture support for deterministic rep...
While the number of transistors on a chip increases exponentially over time, the productivity that can be realized from these systems has not kept pace. To deal with the complexit...
Nested transactional memory (TM) facilitates software composition by letting one module invoke another without either knowing whether the other uses transactions. Closed nested tr...
Michelle J. Moravan, Jayaram Bobba, Kevin E. Moore...
Spatial Computing (SC) has been shown to be an energy-efficient model for implementing program kernels. In this paper we explore the feasibility of using SC for more than small k...
Mahim Mishra, Timothy J. Callahan, Tiberiu Chelcea...
While hardware instruction caches are present in virtually all general-purpose and high-performance microprocessors today, many embedded processors use SRAM or scratchpad memories...
Concurrency bugs are among the most difficult to test and diagnose of all software bugs. The multicore technology trend worsens this problem. Most previous concurrency bug detect...
Virtualization is increasingly being used to address server management and administration issues like flexible resource allocation, service isolation and workload migration. In a...
Stephen T. Jones, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi ...