Dora the Explorer is a mobile robot with a sense of curiosity and a drive to explore its world. Given an incomplete tour of an indoor environment, Dora is driven by internal motiv...
In this paper, we present a new trajectory planning algorithm for virtual humans. Our approach focuses on implicit cooperation between multiple virtual agents in order to share th...
Several researchers, present authors included, envision personal mobile robot agents that can assist humans in their daily tasks. Despite many advances in robotics, such mobile ro...
Stephanie Rosenthal, Joydeep Biswas, Manuela M. Ve...
Decentralized reinforcement learning (DRL) has been applied to a number of distributed applications. However, one of the main challenges faced by DRL is its convergence. Previous ...
Chongjie Zhang, Victor R. Lesser, Sherief Abdallah
There has been significant recent interest in game theoretic approaches to security, with much of the recent research focused on utilizing the leader-follower Stackelberg game mod...
Zhengyu Yin, Dmytro Korzhyk, Christopher Kiekintve...
Agent-based simulations are an increasingly popular means of exploring and understanding complex social systems. In order to be useful, these simulations must capture a range of a...
David Scerri, Alexis Drogoul, Sarah L. Hickmott, L...
We consider (prediction) markets where myopic agents sequentially interact with an automated market maker. We show a broad negative result: by varying the order of participation, ...