—This article presents two methods for open-loop river flow control, based on a classical hydraulic model (the Hayami model, a partial differential equation resulting from a sim...
Florent Di Meglio, Tarek Rabbani, Xavier Litrico, ...
— Living cells are characterized by small populations of key molecular components that have large stochastic noise associated with them. Various gene network motifs exists within...
— This paper proposes a synthetic in vitro circuit that aims at regulating the rate of RNA transcription through positive feedback interactions. This design is dual to a previous...
— Feedback control laws have been traditionally treated as periodic tasks when implemented on digital platforms. However, the growing complexity of systems calls for efficient i...
— Retroactivity is a parasitic phenomenon that changes the desired input/output response of a system when it is connected to “downstream” systems. Downstream and upstream ref...
We present sufficient conditions for robust relay-delayed semiglobal stabilization of second order systems, which relate the upper bound to an uncertain time delay and the paramete...
Eugenii Shustin, Leonid M. Fridman, Emilia Fridman...
— We give geometrical conditions, which guarantee the existence of a diffeomorphism in order to transform a nonlinear system without inputs into a canonical normal form depending...
Abstract— Recursive state estimation is considered for discrete time linear systems with mixed process and measurement disturbances that have stochastic and (convex) set-bounded ...