— We consider the problem of small-gain analysis of asymptotic behavior in interconnected nonlinear dynamic systems. Mathematical models of these systems are allowed to be uncert...
Ivan Tyukin, Erik Steur, Henk Nijmeijer, Cees van ...
— Based on our previously developed tuning procedure for fractional order proportional integral controller (FO-PI), we present in this paper an extensive comparative experimental...
— We study the problem of pricing uplink power in wide-band cognitive radio networks under the objective of revenue maximization for the service provider and while ensuring incen...
Ashraf Al Daoud, Tansu Alpcan, Sachin Kumar Agarwa...
— This paper presents readily checkable criteria for several system theoretic properties (stability, approximate and exact controllability, exponential stabilizability) for a par...
— This paper studies connectivity maintenance of robotic networks that communicate at discrete times and move in continuous space. We propose a distributed algorithm that allows ...
— This paper presents both necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of Zeno equilibria in Lagrangian hybrid systems, i.e., hybrid systems that model mechanical syst...
— In this paper we recursively estimate the magnetic and electric potential of the Earth’s Arctic region. We construct estimates based on data gathered from over 85 magnetomete...
—A material handling (MH) system of a general assembly line dispatching parts from inventory to working buffers could be complicated and costly to operate. Generally it is extrem...