Complex documents stored in a flat or partially marked up file format require layout sensitive preprocessing before any natural language processing can be carried out on their tex...
We have implenlented a.n interactive, Wel)-based, chat-style machine translation system, SUpl)ort;ing speech recognition and synthesis, local- or thirdparty correction of speech r...
This paper introduces a scheme, which we call the baseline method, to define a measure of term representativeness and measures defined by using the scheme. The representativeness ...
This paper proposes a new unsupervised learning method for obtaining English part-ofspecch(POS) disambiguation rules which would improve thc accuracy of a POS tagger. This method ...
Pronolninalization has been related to tile idea of a local focus - a set of discourse entities in the speaker's centre of attention, for exmnple ill Gundel et al. (1993)...
Subjectivity is a pragmatic, sentence-level feature that has important implications for text processing applications such as information extraction and information retrieval. We s...