Abstract—In the initial proposal of Content Centric Networking (CCN), routers store all passing contents (a content composed of several segments). So, in the best case, the route...
Kyi Thar, Saeed Ullah, Doo Ho Lee, Choong Seon Hon...
Abstract—Data-intensive applications are anticipated to increase day by day. The amount of computing and storage resources required by these are also increasing simultaneously, c...
— Content Centric Networking (CCN) paradigm has been proposed to solve the problems of current Internet Protocol (IP) communication. However there is one significant drawback in ...
Jae Hyeok Son, DoHyeon Kim, Hyo Sung Kang, Choong ...
—Vehicles and Road Side Units (RSUs) are essential units to create a dynamic network, called Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANETs). An RSU plays a role of collecting and analyzing tr...
Van Dung Nguyen, Oanh Tran Thi Kim, Nguyen Dang Tr...
— Internet traffic has been dramatically increasing due to development of IT technology and increase in the number of Internet service users. The existing TCP/IP network architec...
Doo Ho Lee, Kyi Thar, DoHyeon Kim, Choong Seon Hon...
—Fog computing, which performs on network edges, is a front-end distributed computing archetype of centralized cloud computing. Mobile Fog is a special purpose computing prototyp...
Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Yan Kyaw Tun, Choong Seon H...
Abstract: The scarcity of mobile broadband spectrum is a problem hurting all stakeholders in the mobile landscape – mobile operators (MOs), content providers, and mobile users. B...
Himanshu Raj, Stefan Saroiu, Alec Wolman, Jitendra...
We present a parallel iterative rigid body solver that avoids common artifacts at low iteration counts. In large or real-time simulations, iteration is often terminated before con...
Richard Tonge, Feodor Benevolenski, Andrey Voroshi...
We develop a system for 3D object retrieval based on sketched feature lines as input. For objective evaluation, we collect a large number of query sketches from human users that a...
Mathias Eitz, Ronald Richter, Tamy Boubekeur, Kris...