Here we propose an efficient algorithm for computing the smallest enclosing circle whose center is constrained to lie on a query line segment. Our algorithm preprocesses a given s...
We look at a variant of the Hamilton circuit problem, where the input is restricted to hexagonal grid graphs. A hexagonal grid graph has a vertex set that is a subset of the grid ...
Given a rectangular boundary partitioned into rectangles, the MLC-R problem is to find a Minimum EdgeLength Corridor that visits at least one point from the boundary of every rec...
Given a dense sampling S of the smooth boundary of a planar shape O. We show that the medial axis of the union of Voronoi balls centered at Voronoi vertices inside O has a particu...
We show an algorithm for constructing O(dn log n) area outerplanar straight-line drawings of n-vertex outerplanar graphs with degree d. Also, we settle in the negative a conjectur...
We propose a method for computing acute (non-obtuse) triangulations. That is, for a given two dimensional domain (a set of points or a planar straight line graph), we compute a tr...
Given a set of unit-discs in the plane with union area A, what fraction of A can be covered by selecting a pairwise disjoint subset of the discs? Rado conjectured
Peter Brass, Ferran Hurtado, Benjamin J. Lafrenier...