
14 years 1 months ago
Capturing Crossings: Convex Hulls of Segment and Plane Intersections
We give a simple O(n log n) algorithm to compute the convex hull of the (possibly Θ(n2 )) intersection points in an arrangement of n line segments in the plane. We also show an a...
Esther M. Arkin, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Jack Snoey...
14 years 1 months ago
Vertex Pops and Popturns
Greg Aloupis, Brad Ballinger, Prosenjit Bose, Mire...
14 years 1 months ago
Pointed Drawings of Planar Graphs
We study the problem how to draw a planar graph such that every vertex is incident to an angle greater than π. In general a straightline embedding cannot guarantee this property....
Oswin Aichholzer, Günter Rote, André S...
14 years 1 months ago
Cache-Oblivious Output-Sensitive Two-Dimensional Convex Hull
We consider the problem of two-dimensional outputsensitive convex hull in the cache-oblivious model. That is, we are interested in minimizing the number of cache faults caused whe...
Peyman Afshani, Arash Farzan
14 years 1 months ago
On Bus Graph Realizability
In this paper, we consider the following graph embedding problem: Given a bipartite graph G = (V1, V2; E), where the maximum degree of vertices in V2 is 4, can G be embedded on a t...
Anil Ada, Melanie Coggan, Paul Di Marco, Alain Doy...
14 years 1 months ago
Generalized Watchman Route Problem with Discrete View Cost
In this paper, we introduce a generalized version of the Watchman Route Problem (WRP) where the objective is to plan a continuous closed route in a polygon (possibly with holes) a...
Pengpeng Wang, Ramesh Krishnamurti, Kamal Gupta
14 years 1 months ago
On a Geometric Approach to the Segment Sum Problem and Its Generalization
Given a sequence of n real numbers a1, a2, a3, . . . , an, the maximum segment sum problem is that of determining indices i and j (1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n) such that the sum s(i, j) =...
Asish Mukhopadhyay, Eugene Greene
14 years 1 months ago
The Ordinary Line Problem Revisited
Let P be a set of n points in the plane. A connecting line of P is a line that passes through at least two of its points. A connecting line is called ordinary if it is incident on...
Asish Mukhopadhyay, Eugene Greene