We introduce bundle-free triangulations, that are free of large collection of triangles overlapping a circle empty of vertices. We prove that bundle-free Steiner triangulations ca...
We consider the problem of determining the placement of a star R on a set P of n points in the plane such that a given objective function is maximized. A star R is a set of m rays...
We prove that an infinite class of convex polyhedra, produced by restricted vertex truncations, always unfold without overlap. The class includes the “domes,” providing a sim...
The empty space around n disjoint line segments in the plane can be partitioned into n + 1 convex faces by extending the segments in some order. The dual graph of such a partition...
Nadia Benbernou, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demain...
A quadtree-based triangulation, sometimes called an RTIN, is a common hierarchical representation of terrain for 3D visualization. In this paper we focus on the memory/error bound...
We consider the problem of searching a polygonal room with two guards starting at a specified door point. While maintaining mutual visibility and without crossing the door, the g...
In this paper we study the problem of computing homothetic triangle contact representations of planar graphs. Since not all planar graphs admit such a representation, we concentra...
Melanie Badent, Carla Binucci, Emilio Di Giacomo, ...
We present a heuristic algorithm to compute approximate geodesic distances on a triangular manifold S containing n vertices with partially missing data. The proposed method comput...
Zouhour Ben Azouz, Prosenjit Bose, Chang Shu, Stef...
In a previous paper, Calamoneri and Massini studied the problem of drawing the multigrid network in “a grid of minimum area”. In this paper we show that we can draw the multig...
Given a triangulation of n points, with some triangles marked “good”, this paper discusses the problems of computing the largest-area connected set of good triangles that (i) ...