In late 2006, Nintendo released a new game controller, the Wiimote, which included a three-axis accelerometer. Since then, a large variety of novel applications for these controll...
The idea of Phong Shading is applied to subdivision surfaces: normals are associated with vertices and the same construction is used for both locations and normals. This creates v...
We introduce a real-time interactive visual editing paradigm for shape grammars, allowing the creation of rulebases from scratch without text file editing. In previous work, shape...
This paper addresses the problem of interactively modeling large street networks. We introduce a modeling framework that uses tensor fields to guide the generation of a street gra...
Guoning Chen, Gregory Esch, Peter Wonka, Pascal M&...
Many applications such as topology repair, model editing, surface parameterization, and feature recognition benefit from computing loops on surfaces that wrap around their `handle...
Tamal K. Dey, Kuiyu Li, Jian Sun, David Cohen-Stei...
Achieving intuitive control of animated surface deformation while observing a specific style is an important but challenging task in computer graphics. Solutions to this task can ...
A lot of research has recently focused on the problem of capturing the geometry and motion of garments. Such work usually relies on special markers printed on the fabric to establ...
Derek Bradley, Tiberiu Popa, Alla Sheffer, Wolfgan...
Oscillatory motion is ubiquitous in computer graphics, yet existing animation techniques are ill-suited to its authoring. We introduce a new type of spline for this purpose, known...
We propose a novel solid/fluid coupling method that treats the coupled system in a fully implicit manner making it stable for arbitrary time steps, large density ratios, etc. In c...
Avi Robinson-Mosher, Tamar Shinar, Jon Gretarsson,...
There are many schemes in the literature for protecting digital data from piracy by the use of digital fingerprinting, such as frameproof codes and traitor-tracing schemes. The c...