While classes in IT skills are endemic, high school students in the UK rarely experience computer science. We present a pilot of a scheme that aims to go some way towards addressi...
As ASSETS attendees, we are clearly interested in promoting accessibility in computing. One way to do this is to teach courses on the topic. Most such courses are aimed at upper-l...
Software is increasingly pervasive in the products we use. Consequently, more programmers are needed to develop the software, and consequently there is unmet demand on programming...
Over the last several years, the Computer Science (CS) community has put a great deal of effort in to the area of security research, and have made great advances. Counterintuitive...
Embedded system has become one of the most important directions in computer education. Embedded system is at the intersection of control system, command and control, wireless data...
Students learn more through hands-on project experience for computer science courses such as operating systems, but providing the infrastructure support for a large class to learn...