The purpose of this study is to investigate the consistency of students' behavior regarding their pace of actions over sessions within an online course. Pace in a session is d...
Abstract--Software transactional memory (STM) algorithms often rely on centralized components to achieve atomicity, isolation and consistency. In a distributed setting, centralized...
In this paper, we introduce a new partial consistency for constraint networks which is called Structural Consistency of level w and is denoted w-SC consistency. This consistency i...
—One of the major applications of wireless ad hoc networks is to extend the Internet coverage and support pervasive and efficient data dissemination and sharing. To reduce data a...
We present the Input Acceptance of Transactional Memory (TM). Despite the large interest for performance of TMs, no existing research work has investigated the impact of solving a...
: In group decision making situations, there may be cases in which experts do not have an in-depth knowledge of the problem to be solved and, as a result, they may present incomple...
Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Ruben Heradio, Ignacio...
—A fundamental challenge of managing mutable data replication in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system is how to efficiently maintain consistency under various sharing patterns with heter...
xlinkit is a lightweight application service that provides rule-based link generation and checks the consistency of distributed web content. It leverages standard Internet technol...
Christian Nentwich, Licia Capra, Wolfgang Emmerich...
—By extending the information-theoretic arguments of previous papers dealing with the Barron-type density estimates, and their consistency in information divergence and chi-squar...
Alain Berlinet, Igor Vajda, Edward C. van der Meul...