In non-binary constraint satisfaction problems, the study of local consistencies that only prune values from domains has so far been largely limited to generalized arc consistency...
Singleton arc consistency (SAC) is a consistency property that is simple to specify and is stronger than arc consistency. Algorithms have already been proposed to enforce SAC, but...
Collaborative web applications such as Facebook, Flickr and Yelp present new challenges for storing and querying large amounts of data. As users and developers are focused more on...
Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox, David A. Patterson,...
Constraint satisfaction consistency preprocessing methods are used to reduce search e ort. Time and especially space costs limit the amount of preprocessing that will be cost e ec...
Seven panelists, all simulation consultants, give their view of the future of simulation. There is some consistency in the views with four areas being mentioned by three of the pa...
The tradeoffs between consistency, performance, and availability are well understood. Traditionally, however, designers of replicated systems have been forced to choose from eithe...
The evolution of distributed applications to reflect structural changes or to adapt to specific conditions of the run-time environment is a difficult issue especially if continuou...
Noel De Palma, Sara Bouchenak, Slim Ben Atallah, D...
Ensuring that specifications are consistent is an important part of specification development and testing. In this paper we introduce the ConsVISor tool for consistency checking o...
Kenneth Baclawski, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Jeffrey E....
We propose a new framework to study properties of consistency in a Constraint Network from the perspective of properties of set intersection. Our framework comes with a proof sche...