Power efficient design of real-time systems based on programmable processors becomes more important as system functionality is increasingly realized through software. This paper ...
ENOR is an innovative way to produce provablypassive, reciprocal, and compact representations of RLC circuits. Beginning with the nodal equations, ENOR formulates recurrence relat...
Distributed computing has taken a new importance in order to meet the requirements of users demanding information “anytime, anywhere.” Inferno facilitates the creation and sup...
Standard interfaces for hardware reuse are currently de ned at the structural level. In contrast to this, our contribution de nes the reuse interface at the behavioral registertra...
Patrick Schaumont, Radim Cmar, Serge Vernalde, Mar...
We study the variation of the crosstalk in a net and its neighbors when one of its trunks is perturbed, showing that the trunk’s perturbation range can be efficiently divided i...
High performance circuit techniques such as domino logic have migrated from the microprocessor world into more mainstream ASIC designs. The problem is that domino logic comes at a...