We introduce the graph-based relational concept learner SubdueCL. We start with a brief description of other graph-based learning systems: the Galois lattice, Conceptual Graphs, a...
Jesus A. Gonzalez, Lawrence B. Holder, Diane J. Co...
Documentimageunderstandingdenotesthe recognition of semanticallyrelevant componentsin the layout extracted froma documentimage.This recognitionprocessis based on somevisual models...
Floriana Esposito, Donato Malerba, Francesca A. Li...
In application areas like personal information agents user modelstypically maintain sophisticated representations of personal interest profiles. Theserepresentations can be utiliz...
Questionscan be classified basedon their degree of difficulty. Asthe level of difficulty increases, question answeringsystemsneedto rely on richer semantic ontoiogies and larger k...
This paper presents a probabilistic and abductive theory of plan recognition that handles agents that are actively hostile to the inference of their plans. This focus violates a p...
Recently we have proposed an algorithm of constructing hierarchical neural network classifiers (HNNC), that is based on a modification of error back-propagation. This algorithm co...
S. A. Dolenko, Yu. V. Orlov, I. G. Persiantsev, Ju...