KnowledgeManagementrepresents a crucial componentof corporations' efforts to gain competitiveadvantagefrom targeted re-use of knowledgeassets. Companiesthat provide consultin...
Vipul Kashyap, Siddhartha R. Dalal, Clifford Behre...
Electronic Commerce has rapidly grown with the expansion of the Internet. E-commerce has also become a promising field for applying agent and Artificial Intelligence technologies....
Oneapproachto measuringthe performanceof intelligent systemsis to developstandardizedor reproducibletests. Thesetests maybe in a simulatedenvironmentor in a physical test course.T...
Decisionand optimizationproblemsinvolvinggraphsarise in manyareas of artificial intelligence, including probabilistic networks, robot navigation, and network design. Manysuch prob...
Weexplore basesfor decidingto team amongagents and present an algorithmthat bases that decision on performance. We illustrate the algorithm in a task shared amongsatellites.
Thepaper deals with investigations concerning potential structures of documentsthat will be subject to automated information extraction. The focus is on folding principles and the...
Aninference enginefor a hybrid representation scheme basedon neurules is presented. Neurulesare a kind of hybridrules that combinea symbolic(productionrules) and a connectionist r...