Documentsretrieved in responseto a user's query shouldreflect the intention of the user. Keyword searchesare not sufficient to accomplishthis task. This paper considersLatent...
Thewidespreaduse of influence diagramsto represent andsolve Bayesiandecision problemsis still limited by the inflexibility andrather restrictive semanticsof influence diagrams. In...
To successfully interact with users in providing useful information, intelligent user interfaces need a mechanism for recognizing, characterizing, and predicting user actions. In ...
In this paperwedescribe the prototypeof a yellowpageservice for customersin a distributed cyber-shoppingmall. This application combines distributed data miningwith agent technolog...
Yugyung Lee, James Geller, Eun Kyo Park, Changgyu ...
In this paper, we give an overview of a system (CAIMAN) that can facilitate the exchange of relevant documents between geographically dispersed people in Communities of Interest. ...
This paper presents arguments for the application of a multiagent approach to spatial reasoning, and it is shown how spatial reasoning benefits from an agent-based implementation....
This paperaddresses the problemof algorithm discovery, via evolutionarysearch, in the context of matrix multiplication. Thetraditional multiplicationalgorithm requiresO(n3) multip...
It hasbeenshownthat a neuralnetworkis better thana direct applicationof inductiontrees in modelingcomplex relations of inputattributes in sampledata. We proposethat conciserules b...