Given two genomes with duplicate genes, Zero Exemplar Distance is the problem of deciding whether the two genomes can be reduced to the same genome without duplicate genes by delet...
Background: Large microarray datasets have enabled gene regulation to be studied through coexpression analysis. While numerous methods have been developed for identifying differen...
Bruno M. Tesson, Rainer Breitling, Ritsert C. Jans...
g:Profiler ( is a public web server for characterising and manipulating gene lists resulting from mining high-throughput genomic data. g:Profiler h...
Gene duplication is an important process in evolution. The availability of genome sequences of a number of organisms has made it possible to conduct comprehensive searches for dup...
The AthaMap database generates a map of cisregulatory elements for the whole Arabidopsis thaliana genome. This database has been extended by new tools to identify common cis-regul...
Claudia Galuschka, Martin Schindler, Lorenz Bü...
Genew, the Human Gene Nomenclature Database, is the only resource that provides data for all human genes which have approved symbols. It is managed by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature C...
Hester M. Wain, Michael J. Lush, Fabrice Ducluzeau...
Gene and protein names follow few, if any, true naming conventions and are subject to great variation in different occurrences of the same name. This gives rise to two important p...
Background: To identify differentially expressed genes, it is standard practice to test a twosample hypothesis for each gene with a proper adjustment for multiple testing. Such te...
Yuanhui Xiao, Robert D. Frisina, Alexander Gordon,...
Background: Microarray and other high-throughput technologies are producing large sets of interesting genes that are difficult to analyze directly. Bioinformatics tools are needed...
Bing Zhang, Denise Schmoyer, Stefan Kirov, Jay Sno...
Background: A common clustering method in the analysis of gene expression data has been hierarchical clustering. Usually the analysis involves selection of clusters by cutting the...