
13 years 8 months ago
Dihedral Escherization
"Escherization" [9] is a process that finds an Escher-like tiling of the plane from tiles that resemble a user-supplied goal shape. We show how the original Escherizatio...
Craig S. Kaplan, David Salesin
13 years 8 months ago
Radiosity on Graphics Hardware
Radiosity is a widely used technique for global illumination. Typically the computation is performed offline and the result is viewed interactively. We present a technique for com...
Greg Coombe, Mark J. Harris, Anselmo Lastra
13 years 8 months ago
Revisiting Display Space Management: Understanding Current Practice to Inform Next-generation Design
Most modern computer systems allow the user to control the space allocated to interfaces through a window system. While much of the understanding of how people interact with windo...
Dugald Ralph Hutchings, John T. Stasko
13 years 8 months ago
Exploring Gradient-Based Face Navigation Interfaces
We have created a gradient-based face navigation interface that allows users to explore a large face space based on an eigenface technique. This approach to synthesizing faces con...
Tzu-Pei Grace Chen, Sidney Fels
13 years 8 months ago
Hardware Accelerated Per-Pixel Displacement Mapping
In this paper we present an algorithm capable of rendering a displacement mapped triangle mesh interactively on latest GPUs. The algorithm uses only pixel shaders and does not rel...
Johannes Hirche, Alexander Ehlert, Michael C. Dogg...
13 years 8 months ago
Improving Menu Placement Strategies for Pen Input
We investigate menu selection in circular and rectangular pop-up menus using stylus-driven direct input on horizontal and vertical display surfaces. An experiment measured perform...
Mark S. Hancock, Kellogg S. Booth
13 years 8 months ago
A Comparison of Fisheye Lenses for Interactive Layout Tasks
Interactive fisheye views allow users to edit data and manipulate objects through the distortion lens. Although several varieties of fisheye lens exist, little is known about how ...
Carl Gutwin, Chris Fedak
13 years 8 months ago
Compressed Multisampling for Efficient Hardware Edge Antialiasing
Today's hardware graphics accelerators incorporate techniques to antialias edges and minimize geometry-related sampling artifacts. Two such techniques, brute force supersampl...
Philippe Beaudoin, Pierre Poulin
13 years 8 months ago
Interacting with Big Interfaces on Small Screens: a Comparison of Fisheye, Zoom, and Panning Techniques
Mobile devices with small screens are becoming more common, and will soon be powerful enough to run desktop software. However, the large interfaces of desktop applications do not ...
Carl Gutwin, Chris Fedak
13 years 8 months ago
Haptic Interaction with Fluid Media
We present a method for integrating force feedback with interactive fluid simulation. We use the method described to generate haptic display of an incompressible NavierStokes flui...
William V. Baxter III, Ming C. Lin