The reliability of future processors is threatened by decreasing transistor robustness. Current architectures focus on delivering high performance at low cost; lifetime device rel...
Andrea Pellegrini, Joseph L. Greathouse, Valeria B...
Future microprocessors need low-cost solutions for reliable operation in the presence of failure-prone devices. A promising approach is to detect hardware faults by deploying low-...
Siva Kumar Sastry Hari, Sarita V. Adve, Helia Naei...
As transistor dimensions continue to scale deep into the nanometer regime, silicon reliability is becoming a chief concern. At the same time, transistor counts are scaling up, ena...
Andrew DeOrio, Konstantinos Aisopos, Valeria Berta...
Smaller feature sizes, reduced voltage levels, higher transistor counts, and reduced noise margins make future generations of microprocessors increasingly prone to transient hardw...
: The Byzantine failure model allows arbitrary behavior of a certain fraction of network nodes in a distributed system. It was introduced to model and analyze the effects of very s...
This paper describes the use of fault tolerance in a multiagent system. Such an approach is based on the modeling of autonomous agents with planning capabilities. These capabiliti...
Continued technology scaling is resulting in systems with billions of devices. Unfortunately, these devices are prone to failures from various sources, resulting in even commodity...