Mobile technologies are deployed into diverse social, cultural, political and geographic settings, and incorporated into diverse forms of personal and collective mobility. We pres...
True multi-user, multimodal interaction over a digital table lets co-located people simultaneously gesture and speak commands to control an application. We explore this design spa...
Edward Tse, Saul Greenberg, Chia Shen, Clifton For...
We conducted a 6-month project with a physical therapy clinic, involving equal parts ethnographic fieldwork and rapid prototyping. It differed from most reported user-informed des...
CityFlocks is a mobile system enabling visitors and new residents in a city to tap into the knowledge and experiences of local residents, so as to gather information about their n...
As computing migrates from the workplace to the home, householders must tackle problems of home network maintenance. Often they lack the technical knowledge or motivation to compl...
Erika Shehan Poole, Marshini Chetty, Rebecca E. Gr...
This paper describes a process for creating a design tool, which is based in constructivism. The process is described for the creation of a tool to help novices in designing virtu...
This paper provides details of an in-depth investigation into how racing sailors use information displays and devices, and shows that these devices act as communication loci and i...
People now easily share digital photos outside the home via web publishing and gift-giving. Yet within the home, digital photos are hard to access and lack the physical affordance...
Large collections of photographs are commonplace, and many interfaces for viewing, sorting and organizing them have been proposed. This work describes the design and implementatio...
Participatory Design is a design approach that provides a popular set of techniques for designing interactive systems in collaboration with end-users. Technology probes are one of...