The early architectural design stage is a typical example where traditional design tools such as sketching on paper still dominate over computer-assisted tools. Augmented reality ...
Two hundred and fifty years ago the Japanese Zen master Hakuin asked the question, "What is the Sound of the Single Hand?" This koan has long served as an aid to meditat...
Graphical user interfaces rely heavily on the tool metaphor. In most drawing systems, for example, functions are organized as they might be on a workbench; buttons associated with...
In a ten-session experiment, six participants practiced typing with an expanding rehearsal method on an optimized virtual keyboard. Based on a large amount of in-situ performance ...
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is thought to be inadequate when one needs to establish trust. If, however, people meet before using CMC, they trust each other, trust being ...
Jun Zheng, Elizabeth S. Veinott, Nathan Bos, Judit...
Increasing amounts of public, corporate, and private speech data are now available on-line. These are limited in their usefulness, however, by the lack of tools to permit their br...
Steve Whittaker, Julia Hirschberg, Brian Amento, L...
We discuss findings from observation, interviews, and textual analysis of instant messaging use in a university research lab setting. We propose a method for characterizing the te...
In this paper, we seek to contribute to the Ubiquitous Computing agenda by focusing on one of its earliest, but most difficult, design ambitions ? making technology "invisibl...
Peter Tolmie, James Pycock, Tim Diggins, Allan Mac...
Many applications require users to specify preferences. We support users in this task by letting them define preferences relative to their personal history or that of other users....
Loren G. Terveen, Jessica McMackin, Brian Amento, ...
We present an overview+detail document interface that draws on perceptual principles to help users work with documents. Central to our approach is the use of improved document ove...