In this paper we address the problem of energyoptimal gait generation for biped robots. Using a simpli ed robot dynamics that ignores the e ects of centripetal forces, we obtain u...
L. Roussel, Carlos Canudas de Wit, Ambarish Goswam...
During the Summer of 1997 - Nomad - a planetaryrelevant mobile robot, was driven via satellite link for more than 125 miles in the Atacama Desert of Chile by novice operators in N...
Eric Rollins, Jonathan E. Luntz, Alex Foessel, Ben...
This paper presents a class of fundamental control policies suitable for use in a novel method for designing and specifying the dynamic motion of robotic systems. Through recourse...
Part feeders, which singulate and orient parts prior to packing and insertion, are critical components of an assembly line. Existing feeders utilize o -plane vibrations of a rigid...
Planar linear motors Sawyer motors have been used in industry as open-loop stepping motors, but their robustness and versatility has been limited. Using a sensor recently integrat...
Bipedal robots are di cult to analyze mathematically. However, successful control strategies can be discovered using simple physical intuition and can be described in simple terms...
At the intersection of tele-robotics, computer networking, and human social interaction we have chosen to explore an area we identifyas personal tele-embodiment. At the core of th...