– Typical robot development requires that hardware be mostly functional before significant software development begins. Utilizing virtual prototype of hardware and its environmen...
Kyo Chul Kang, Moonzoo Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Byungkil ...
— Recent work on robotic exploration and active sensing has examined a variety of information-theoretic approaches to efficient and convergent map construction. These involve mo...
— This paper proposes a learning framework for a CPG-based biped locomotion controller using a policy gradient method. Our goal in this study is to develop an efficient learning...
Takamitsu Matsubara, Jun Morimoto, Jun Nakanishi, ...
– We introduce a new method for synthesizing kinematics and Jacobian relationships for an important class of continuous backbone “continuum” robots. The resulting Jacobians e...
— This paper proposes an approach to robust state estimation for mobile robots with intermittent dynamics. The approach consists of identifying the robot’s mode of operation by...
Sarjoun Skaff, Alfred A. Rizzi, Howie Choset, Pei-...
- This paper presents a characterization study of the HOKUYO PBS-03JN Infrared range-finder and compares it to the characterization of the SICK LMS-200 laser rangefinder for use in...
Majd Alwan, Matthew Wagner, Glenn S. Wasson, Pradi...
Motion planning for robots with many degrees of freedom requires the exploration of an exponentially large configuration space. Single-query motion planners restrict exploration ...
Building cooperatively 3-D maps of unknown environments is one of the application fields of multi-robot systems. This article addressesthatproblemthroughaprobabilisticapproachbas...
Abstract— In a companion paper [1], we propose a control framework for the bilateral teleoperation between a single master robot and multiple cooperative slave robots over delaye...
Dongjun Lee, Oscar Martinez-Palafox, Mark W. Spong
— The paper considers the problem of setting the dimensions of a system of constrained parallel robots to ensure that together they can position an end-effector in a specified s...