A basic problem with Augmented Reality systems using Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) is the perceived latency or lag. This delay corresponds to the elapsed time between the moment wh...
Fakhreddine Ababsa, Jean-Yves Didier, Malik Mallem...
—Particle filter is a powerful visual tracking tool based on sequential Monte Carlo framework, and it needs large numbers of samples to properly approximate the posterior density...
Guangyu Zhu, Dawei Liang, Yang Liu, Qingming Huang...
Abstract— This paper describes the application of a RaoBlackwellized Particle Filter to the problem of simultaneous localization and mapping onboard a hovering autonomous underwa...
Nathaniel Fairfield, George Kantor, David Wettergr...
— In this paper we propose a SLAM framework which is based on an algorithm that combines an Unscented Particle Filter (UPF) and Unscented Kalman Filters (UKFs). A UPF is used to ...
Particle filter is a sequential Monte Carlo method for object tracking in a recursive Bayesian filtering framework. The efficiency and accuracy of the particle filter depends on t...
In this paper, we propose a Boosted Interactively Distributed Particle Filter (BIDPF) to address the problem of automatic multi-object tracking in the application of player tracki...
In this paper, the ways of optimising a Particle Filter video tracking algorithm are investigated. The optimisation scheme discussed in this work is based on hybridising a Particle...
Artur Loza, Fanglin Wang, Miguel A. Patricio, Jes&...
In this paper, we re-examine the recently proposed distributed state estimators based on quantized innovations. It is widely believed that the error covariance of the Quantized In...
Abstract. We propose the use of a particle filter as a solution to the rigid shapebased registration problem commonly found in computer-assisted surgery. This approach is especiall...