For a given point set S (in general position), two pointed pseudo-triangulations are compatible if their union is plane. We show that for any set S there exist two maximally disjo...
Thomas Hackl, Oswin Aichholzer, Birgit Vogtenhuber
The study of extremal problems on triangle areas was initiated in a series of papers by Erdos and Purdy in the early 1970s. In this paper we present new results on such problems, ...
Adrian Dumitrescu, Micha Sharir, Csaba D. Tó...
We present an example-based surface reconstruction method for scanned point sets. Our approach uses a database of local shape priors built from a set of given context models that ...
Ran Gal, Ariel Shamir, Tal Hassner, Mark Pauly, Da...
The Hausdorff distance is a measure defined between two point sets, here representing a model and an image. The Hausdorff distance is reliable even when the image contains multipl...
Abstract. We show that there is a matching between the edges of any two triangulations of a planar point set such that an edge of one triangulation is matched either to the identic...
Oswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer, Michael Tasch...
Non-photo realistic rendering (NPR) methods have been proposed for more than ten years in the Computer Graphic field. Separately, within past few years, several algorithms for ren...
In this paper, we propose a viewer for huge point-sampled models by combining out-of-core technologies with view-dependent level-of-detail (LOD) control. This viewer is designed o...
: We discuss a new approach to constructing the rectilinear Steiner tree (RST) of a given set of points in the plane, starting from a minimum spanning tree (MST). The main idea in ...
A triangulation of a point set Pn is a partitioning of the convex hull Conv(Pn) into a set of triangles with disjoint interiors such that the vertices of these triangles are in Pn...
Let n ≥ 4 be even. It is shown that every set S of n points in the plane can be connected by a (possibly self-intersecting) spanning tour (Hamiltonian cycle) consisting of n str...