: Proxima is a generic structure editor suitable for a wide range of structured document types. It allows edit operations on the document structure as well as on its screen represe...
: Since all the algebras connected to logic have, more or less explicitely, an associated order relation, it follows that they have two presentations, dual to each other. We classi...
We introduce the notion of infinitary preorder and use it to obtain a predicative presentation of sup-lattices by generators and relations. The method is uniform in that it extend...
: Gaze Awareness and Interaction Support in Presentations Kar-Han Tan, Dan Gelb, Ramin Samadani, Ian Robinson, Bruce Culbertson, John Apostolopoulos HP Laboratories HPL-2010-187 D...
Kar-Han Tan, Dan Gelb, Ramin Samadani, Ian N. Robi...
Computer-based presentation systems enable the realization of effective and dynamic presentation styles that incorporate multiple media. Obvious examples are animated user interfa...
We propose a generic presentation system for adaptive educational hypermedia that is highly independent from domain knowledge representation and application state management. Our a...
Two experiments which investigate the impact of spatialised presentation on the identification of concurrently presented earcons are described. The first experiment compared the i...
In both professional and personal contexts, a common activity is the search for a target image among a collection of images. The presentation of that collection to a user can assu...
Katy Cooper, Oscar de Bruijn, Robert Spence, Mark ...
Display environments for presentations are becoming diverse, and it is common to have multiple displays in the same room. We present a system to edit and give presentations using m...
In this paper, we report on an interactive system and the results ofa formal user study that was carried out with the aim of comparing two approaches to estimating users' int...
Boris Brandherm, Helmut Prendinger, Mitsuru Ishizu...