
132views Robotics» more  ICRA 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Combining planning techniques for manipulation using realtime perception
Abstract— We present a novel combination of motion planning techniques to compute motion plans for robotic arms. We compute plans that move the arm as close as possible to the go...
Ioan Alexandru Sucan, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Sachin ...
78views more  JCNS 2000»
14 years 7 days ago
Computational Consequences of Temporally Asymmetric Learning Rules: II. Sensory Image Cancellation
Abstract. The electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of mormyridelectric sh is a cerebellum-likestructure that receives primarya erent input from electroreceptors in the skin. Purk...
Patrick D. Roberts, Curtis C. Bell
91views more  CONNECTION 2006»
14 years 15 days ago
From unknown sensors and actuators to actions grounded in sensorimotor perceptions
This article describes a developmental system based on information theory implemented on a real robot that learns a model of its own sensory and actuator apparatus. There is no in...
Lars Olsson, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Daniel Polani
14 years 1 months ago
Mental Tracking: A Computational Model of Spatial Development
Psychological experiments on children's development of spatial knowledge suggest experience at self-locomotion with visual tracking as important factors. Yet, the mechanism u...
Kazuo Hiraki, Akio Sashima, Steven Phillips