We present a new scheme for digital watermarking and secure copyright protection of digital images using nonnegative matrix factorization and singular value decomposition approach...
This paper demonstrates that, for axial non-central optical systems, the equation of a 3D line can be estimated using only four points extracted from a single image of the line. T...
Douglas Lanman, Megan Wachs, Gabriel Taubin, Ferna...
— We show that independent component analysis (ICA) can be used to find distributed representations for words that can be further processed by thresholding to produce sparse rep...
An autonomic problem determination system can adapt to changing environments, react to existing or new error condition and predict possible problems. In this report, we propose su...
In this paper, we propose a robust watermark technology that can be used to protect copyright. We enhance robustness of the watermark such that it can be used to protect the intel...
– This paper presents a new singularity robust and computationally efficient method for solving the inverse kinematics (IK) problem. In this method, the transformation from Carte...
Many computer vision problems can be formulated as low rank bilinear minimization problems. One reason for the success of these problems is that they can be efficiently solved usin...
—In this paper, we describe and compare three Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms aiming at the low-rank approximation of the user-item ratings matrix. The algorithm implemen...
Manolis G. Vozalis, Angelos I. Markos, Konstantino...
This paper addresses the problem of approximate singular value decomposition of large dense matrices that arises naturally in many machine learning applications. We discuss two re...
DNA microarrays have gained widespread uses in biological studies. Missing values in a microarray experiment must be estimated before further analysis. In this paper, we propose a...