
128views more  TIT 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Secure Network Coding on a Wiretap Network
—In the paradigm of network coding, the nodes in a network are allowed to encode the information received from the input links. With network coding, the full capacity of the netw...
Ning Cai, Raymond W. Yeung
144views more  IJRR 2010»
14 years 2 months ago
Equilibrium Conformations of Concentric-tube Continuum Robots
Robots consisting of several concentric, preshaped, elastic tubes can work dexterously in narrow, constrained, and/or winding spaces, as are commonly found in minimally invasive s...
D. Caleb Rucker, Robert J. Webster III, Gregory S....
91views more  TSMC 1998»
14 years 3 months ago
Toward the border between neural and Markovian paradigms
— A new tendency in the design of modern signal processing methods is the creation of hybrid algorithms. This paper gives an overview of different signal processing algorithms si...
Piotr Wilinski, Basel Solaiman, A. Hillion, W. Cza...
14 years 3 months ago
Designs in Product Association Schemes
Recently, P.J. Cameron studied a class of block designs which generalises the classes of t-designs, -resolved 2-designs, orthogonal arrays, and other classes of combinatorial desi...
William J. Martin
81views more  DM 1998»
14 years 3 months ago
On intersecting hypergraphs
We investigate the following question: “Given an intersecting multi-hypergraph on n points, what fraction of edges must be covered by any of the best 2 points?” (Here “best�...
Barry Guiduli, Zoltán Király
121views more  ENTCS 2002»
14 years 3 months ago
Modal Predicates and Co-equations
We show how coalgebras can be presented by operations and equations. This is a special case of Linton's approach to algebras over a general base category X, namely where X is...
Alexander Kurz, Jirí Rosický
73views more  ALGORITHMICA 2002»
14 years 3 months ago
Randomized Weighted Caching with Two Page Weights
We consider a special case of the weighted caching problem where
Sandy Irani
78views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
A partition bijection related to the Rogers-Selberg identities and Gordon's theorem
We provide a bijective map from the partitions enumerated by the series side of the Rogers-Selberg mod 7 identities onto partitions associated with a special case of Basil Gordon&...
Andrew V. Sills
61views more  COMBINATORICS 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Nonexistence of Permutation Binomials of Certain Shapes
Suppose xm + axn is a permutation polynomial over Fp, where p > 5 is prime and m > n > 0 and a ∈ F∗ p. We prove that gcd(m−n, p−1) /∈ {2, 4}. In the special cas...
Ariane M. Masuda, Michael E. Zieve
103views more  AML 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Decision methods for linearly ordered Heyting algebras
Abstract. The decision problem for positively quantified formulae in the theory of linearly ordered Heyting algebras is known, as a special case of work of Kreisel, to be solvable;...
Roy Dyckhoff, Sara Negri