The Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem (MC-VRP) consists of designing transportation routes to satisfy the demands of a set of costumers for several products that because o...
Jorge E. Mendoza, Bruno Castanier, Christelle Gu&e...
Background: The fundamental role that intrinsic stochasticity plays in cellular functions has been shown via numerous computational and experimental studies. In the face of such e...
Asawari Samant, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, Dionisios ...
In this paper, the problem of decentralized adaptive output-feedback stabilization is investigated for large-scale stochastic nonlinear systems with three types of uncertainties, ...
Bisimulations, behavioral equivalence and logical equivalence are investigated for stochastic T-coalgebras that interpret coalgebraic logic which is defined in terms of predicate ...
—Multistage stochastic programs are effective for solving long-term planning problems under uncertainty. Such programs are usually based on scenario generation model about future...
In this paper, we propose a stochastic version of a general purpose functional programming language as a method of modeling stochastic processes. The language contains random choi...
A new language and inference algorithm for stochastic modeling is presented. This work refines and generalizes the stochastic functional language originally proposed by [1]. The l...
: We introduce a class of quasi-linear models for stochastic dynamics, called moment-linear stochastic systems (MLSS). We formulate MLSS and analyze their dynamics, as well as disc...
Sandip Roy, George C. Verghese, Bernard C. Lesieut...
Apriori Stochastic Dependency Detection (ASDD) is an algorithm for fast induction of stochastic logic rules from a database of observations made by an agent situated in an environm...
We consider optimization problems that can be formulated as minimizing the cost of a feasible solution wT x over an arbitrary combinatorial feasible set F {0, 1}n . For these pro...