
185views Multimedia» more  COST 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
How an Agent Can Detect and Use Synchrony Parameter of Its Own Interaction with a Human?
Synchrony is claimed by psychology as a crucial parameter of any social interaction: to give to human a feeling of natural interaction, a feeling of agency [17], an agent must be a...
Ken Prepin, Philippe Gaussier
65views more  JCNS 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
Synchronization and Oscillatory Dynamics in Heterogeneous, Mutually Inhibited Neurons
Abstract. We study some mechanisms responsible for synchronous oscillations and loss of synchrony at physiologically relevant frequencies 10-200 Hz in a network of heterogeneous ...
John A. White, Carson C. Chow, Jason Ritt, Cristin...
78views more  IJON 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Model-free detection of synchrony in neuronal spike trains, with an application to primate somatosensory cortex
Synchronized neuronal ring has been reported in many neural systems and may play a role in the representation of sensory stimuli and the modi cation of sensory representations by ...
Arup Roy, Peter N. Steinmetz, Ken O. Johnson, Erns...
14 years 3 months ago
Quantifying EEG synchrony using copulas
In this paper, we consider the problem of quantifying synchrony between multiple simultaneously recorded electroencephalographic signals. These signals exhibit nonlinear dependenc...
Satish G. Iyengar, Justin Dauwels, Pramod K. Varsh...
14 years 4 months ago
A Comparative Study of Synchrony Measures for the Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Based on EEG
It has repeatedly been reported in the medical literature that the EEG signals of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients are less synchronous than in age-matched control patients. Thi...
Justin Dauwels, François B. Vialatte, Andrz...
112views Hardware» more  ISCAS 2006»
14 years 9 months ago
Silicon neurons that inhibit to synchronize
Abstract—We present a silicon neuron that uses shunting inhibition (conductance-based) with a synaptic rise-time to achieve synchrony. Synaptic rise-time promotes synchrony by de...
John V. Arthur, Kwabena Boahen